what in the cock-loving hell is this?
You tell Me something...
do you actually take reviews/responses so seriously that you've gotta be a complete dickhaed and write a 100 word essay on it. do you actually think that what you've said will make me "see the error of my ways." do you actually think i care. Well you sir, are an idiot. You think its a good triat to just take critizism like you do, at least im not to afriad of some asshole over the internet to give a decent comback. I find it funny that your calling me a loser, telling me to "Get out in the real world and make true freinds" when evidence in your profile and music leads me to believe your a complete video game nerd, an outcast from society, finding solice in electronic devices and virtual reality, asking "why god, why cant i get a girl, why?" This is the first i've been on this site in about a month, i haven't played video games in almost 2 months (infact im selling all my videogames). i guess ive been to busy out in the "real world." As for our music (remember music? the stuff that you where actually supossed to be reviewing in the first place), yes im pissed of when people talk down my music, Becuase i write all of it, unlike yourself, makeing remixes of songs, mostly remixes of videogame songs i might add (which it appears all you did was just put a basic techno/dance drumbeat behind a song, and then put in a couple out-of-place audio clips in everyonce and awhile.
anyway, im tired of wasting my time away writeing this review, i should prolly get back to the "real world" now. I hope you learned a valuable lesson today son.
Im not gonna take shit from a 14 yr old (who looks like a fat 30 yr old) that thinks he's tuff.
Bitch, Pleease
What is this?I can't Beleive you even responded
to my personal opinion.Man You GOT ISSUES.And the
insults you told me.....You are just fighting fire
with fire boy!You just met your match!I dare you to respond to this.I may not be able to hurt you physicly but I can definatly KILL you professionaly.All I need is a response....